Written By Benjamin Dankaka

Focus on the problem but allow God to deal with the enemy.
There’s a saying that “revenge is a dish best served cold”. This statement implies that revenge is more fulfilling when it’s carried out at an unexpected time. This is true but to take revenge against your enemy is wrong, and the Bible condemns it. In his letter to the Romans, Paul warns us “not to take revenge”, but “leave room for God’s wrath” (Romans 12:19). That is, we are expected to leave vengeance for God because whoever troubles us is actually fighting God, not us. Therefore, those who take revenge against their enemies are guilty of fighting God’s battles. Allow God to deal with the enemy.
When Herod tried to kill Peter, God stepped in and rescued Peter by Himself because Herod was actually fighting God, not Peter. So Peter acted rightly by not fighting back after he was freed. He moved on. By that act, he left room for God’s wrath. Later, on an unexpected day and time, Herod was struck down with a blow by an angel. And the “mighty” Herod who made himself God’s enemy was eaten by worms. If God has already liberated you, move on and leave room for God’s wrath. God’s retribution is sweeter.
Prayer: Dear Jesus, my battles are yours. Amen.
Unless otherwise stated all scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.