Shepherd Daily Devotional

Plentiful Harvest

Written By Benjamin Dankaka

The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.

One day, Jesus went through towns and villages, teaching and healing diseases. Then He took a good look at the crowd and had compassion on them because they looked harassed, like sheep without a shepherd. At that moment, Jesus felt a strong desire to do more for the people. Although Jesus had pity on the people, he didn’t think of their miserable situation as a problem that was beyond repair. Instead, He saw it as a great opportunity. As Jesus observed the miserable crowd, He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.”

Notice that Jesus called the pitiable situation, “harvest”. He viewed it as a job opportunity and not as a problem. What do you see whenever you move on the streets of your city? Do you see those with worried faces or you don’t even notice? At every given time, the streets are made up of people who carry different expressions. Some carry plain or jovial faces; others have serious or worried expressions. What goes through your mind as you notice those worried faces? Today, as you notice those who appear to be restless and harassed, think of ways you can help out.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, make me a helper to other people. Amen.


Unless otherwise stated all scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

Shepherd Daily Devotional

Working With God

Written By Benjamin Dankaka

Just as it is important to walk with God, it is also important to work with Him.

Walking with God literally means to take every step as directed by God. To walk with God, you will have to spend a large amount of your time studying the scriptures, praying and meditating until you and God become intimate friends. If you truly walk with God, you will become a godly person. You can’t relate with God and not think and act like Him. But just as it is important to walk with God, it is also important to work with Him. While we can walk with God through a relationship, we can also work with God by functioning through Him.

Working with God occurs when we function as “employees” of His Kingdom. You see, God isn’t only interested in walking with you; He wants you to work for Him. God doesn’t just want to have a relationship with you; He wants to help you make better impact through His kingdom culture. When Jesus met Simon Peter and his brother, Andrew, He said to them, “Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” These were fishermen who only knew how to catch fish, but when they met Jesus they became world changers. Work with God!

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I want to work with you. Amen.

REFERENCES/FURTHER STUDY: Matthew 4:19; Matthew 5:13-16

Unless otherwise stated all scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

Shepherd Daily Devotional

The Single-Minded Leader

Written By Benjamin Dankaka

If that dream means so much to you, you will have to let go of some things.

Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.” Although, this parable is intended to make us recognize the worth of the kingdom of heaven, it also illustrates the kind of attitude that is required of anyone who wants to achieve anything worthwhile. The “merchant” GAVE UP EVERYTHING for the sake of heaven. In other words, the merchant let go every other endeavor that might stop him from achieving his ultimate goal of making heaven.

Until you commit yourself to a single cause, you will never become an outstanding leader. Think of all the great leaders that have impacted our world – They are single-minded. For instance, when people talk about Nelson Mandela, the one thing that goes through their minds is the man’s fight against apartheid even though he was a lawyer. What makes great leaders exceptional isn’t really their profession but what they do with their lives. I don’t know what you need to give up. But if that dream means so much to you, you will have to let go of some things. Be single-minded!

Prayer: Lord Jesus, give me the courage to stay focused. Amen.

REFERENCES/FURTHER STUDY: Luke 21:19; Matthew 14:44-46

Unless otherwise stated all scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

Shepherd Daily Devotional

The Daily Cross

Written By Benjamin Dankaka

Don’t suffer for the wrong reasons.

Jesus said, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” Clearly, Jesus wasn’t referring to a physical cross. He didn’t mean we would all have to live and die in the same way He did. Specifically, Jesus wanted us to know that we will all face our own troubles as Christians. Though we are bound to suffer, Christ assures us that our suffering will not be in vain. Just as He was raised to life, after His suffering, we too will be raised after our suffering.

But the cross of Christ isn’t just any kind of misery. You see, whether we like it or not, life often hits everyone with troubles. You don’t have to be a Christian to face persecution. Even as an unbeliever, you could suffer for your principles. So we should not assume that every problem in our lives is a sign that we are carrying the cross. The daily cross that Jesus meant can only come when we walk with Him. Are you having troubles because of your faith or is your suffering caused by your own foolish acts? Don’t suffer for the wrong reasons.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, may I not suffer for the wrong reasons. Amen.

REFERENCES/FURTHER STUDY: 1 Peter 4:12-19; Luke 9:23-27; Matthew 5:10-11

Unless otherwise stated all scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

Shepherd Daily Devotional

Stay there!

Written By Benjamin Dankaka

God asked him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”

After winning the prayer contest against the prophets of Baal, Elijah inspired a revival. When the Israelites saw how God responded to Elijah’s sacrifice they immediately repented. Elijah had seized that moment and ordered the killing of the prophets of Baal. Moments later, just as Elijah had prophesied, Israel had a heavy rain, after over three years of drought. But just as Elijah was about to celebrate, he found himself, once again in the wilderness, when he received a death threat from Jezebel. While he was on exile, Elijah became depressed and even prayed that God would take his own life. But as he rested in a cave, God asked him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”

Possibly, God asked that question because Elijah wasn’t supposed to run away from his country, even though he was threatened by Jezebel. Perhaps, you’ve found yourself in a similar situation. You’ve spent your energy on a cause. But instead of recognition, you’ve been rejected and misunderstood. You are now at a point where you are beginning to doubt and question your convictions. Unless if God tells you to quit, stay there. Oftentimes, God wants us to confront challenges, not to run from it.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, give me the strength to overcome. Amen.

REFERENCES/FURTHER STUDY: 1 Kings 18:38-46; 19:1-9

Unless otherwise stated all scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

Shepherd Daily Devotional

Elijah’s Prayer

Written By Benjamin Dankaka

Pray according to God’s will.

One of the most powerful prayers in the Bible is the one said by Elijah as at the time of his prayer challenge with the prophets of Baal. The prophets had begun the challenge by praying to their god from morning to evening. They shouted and danced as they asked their god to bring fire on their sacrifice. But despite their loud appeals, nothing happened, even after slashing themselves with swords. When it got to Elijah’s turn, the atmosphere suddenly became calm. Possibly, his prayer didn’t take more than five minutes but the response was instant.

We can learn from the way Elijah said his prayer. His prayer was straight to the point; he didn’t try to embellish it with many words. Also, Elijah didn’t try to impress God by screaming and dancing. Instead, he confidently talked to God. Clearly, his confidence was inspired by the fact that his prayer was said according to God’s will – Elijah asked God to answer his prayer so that it will be known that He is the God of Israel and that He was willing to turn the people’s hearts back to Him. That was God’s will. Today, pray according to God’s will.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, may it be done according to your purpose. Amen.


Unless otherwise stated all scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

Shepherd Daily Devotional

Change Your Mind

Written By Benjamin Dankaka

But when he came to his senses, he bounced back.

In the parable of the lost son, Jesus shared a story of a man who had two sons. The younger one demanded for his share of inheritance and left home. After he had spent everything on reckless living, an economic recession hit his country. To survive, he had to work in a farm where he was assigned to feed pigs. Apparently, the money he earned from his boss wasn’t enough because he found himself longing to fill his stomach with the food of the pigs. This went on until one fateful day when he suddenly realized that while he was starving to death, the servants in his father’s house had enough food to spare. So he got up and returned to his father.

But according to the Scriptures, the lost son didn’t arrive at that decision until “he came to his senses” (Luke 15:11-32). This story illustrates the power of the mind. Nothing changes unless you change your thoughts. If the prodigal son hadn’t come to his senses, he wouldn’t have made the decision to return home. If he hadn’t changed his mind, he would have remained in lack. But when he came to his senses, he bounced back.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, forgive me for my prodigal ways. Amen.

REFERENCES/FURTHER STUDY: Isaiah 41:13; Isaiah 40:29; Proverbs 16:9; Proverbs 23:7

Unless otherwise stated all scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

Shepherd Daily Devotional

Purpose and Passion

Written By Benjamin Dankaka

Your passion can either be related to your purpose or completely unrelated.

Purpose and passion are not the same. While your passion is what you love doing, purpose is what you were created to do. Your passion isn’t peculiar to you. For instance, if you love writing, you should be aware that there other people who also love writing. But your purpose is specific. It is what you’ve been set aside to do. Your passion can either be related to your purpose or completely unrelated. Even though what you love doing can be used to fulfill your purpose, it could also be used to achieve other things that aren’t connected to your purpose.

To fulfill your purpose, you need the help of the One who created you. Purpose isn’t conceived by man. Normally, the manufacturer of a product is the one who knows why his product was created. Therefore, God who created you knows why you are on earth. God didn’t bless you with talents so you could do whatever you want to do with it. Your talent is supposed to help you fulfill your purpose. Paul tells the Philippians, “For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose” (Philippians 2:13).

Prayer: Lord Jesus, teach me how to fulfill God’s purpose. Amen.

REFERENCES/FURTHER STUDY: Philippians 2:13; Romans 2:28; 2 Timothy 1:9; Exodus 9:16; Proverbs 19:21

Unless otherwise stated all scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

Shepherd Daily Devotional

The Great Beyond

Written By Benjamin Dankaka

In Christ Jesus, our life’s journey has no end.

The fear of the unknown is what often makes people feel uneasy at the thought of dying. One thing we all know is that our body is going to be buried in a grave when we pass on. But where our soul and spirit will be is often considered as one of the greatest mysteries in the world. Atheists and scientists have come up with hundreds of thousands of books regarding man’s journey on earth. Yet, the answer to this famous question can be found in the most popular book on earth – the Holy Bible.

Interestingly, Jesus didn’t make the issue of death sound like it was something that should be feared. More than once, He referred to “death” as “sleeping”. Moments before He brought Jairus’ daughter back to life He said, “Why all this commotion and wailing? The child is not dead but asleep.” When Lazarus died, Jesus said, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep.” Jesus came so that we may not just have life but have it fully. So anyone who accepts Jesus as Lord, would not only become a son of God, but would also live forever. Therefore, in Christ Jesus, our life’s journey has no end.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I accept you as my Lord and Savior. Amen.

REFERENCES/FURTHER STUDY: Matthew 9:18-26; Mark 5:21-43; John 10:10; John 11:1-16

Unless otherwise stated all scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

Shepherd Daily Devotional

Be Purposeful

Written By Benjamin Dankaka

Your life’s purpose is God’s original plan for you.

The first thing we learn from the Bible is that God is a Creator. That’s the dominant theme in the first two chapters of Genesis. But as God created the heavens and the earth, you would notice that everything He created was for a purpose. Light, which is the first thing that God created, was for the purpose of having times and seasons. Man, the last creation of God was also created for a purpose – to rule the earth. God didn’t create anything for nothing. Knowing why you were created is the most important discovery you would ever make.

Your life’s purpose is God’s ultimate plan for you. While He was on earth, Jesus focused on fulfilling His purpose. Like every other person, Jesus had several choices on how to live His life. He could have decided to be a carpenter like His earthly father; he could have accepted Satan’s offer by having control of the earthly kingdoms. But Jesus chose to do what God sent Him to do. Imagine what the world would have missed If Jesus had not fulfilled his assignment. Jesus was not the only with an assignment from God. You too have a divine assignment.

Prayer: Dear Lord, show me my divine assignment. Amen.

REFERENCES/FURTHER STUDY: Luke 4:18-19; 42; John 3:38

Unless otherwise stated all scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.