Written By Benjamin Dankaka

Realize that not every solution is appropriate.
While evangelizing, Paul and Silas were arrested. However, a miracle happened as they were in prison. The normal thing to do was to rush out of the prison cell, assuming it was God’s will. Instead, they ignored the freedom but, took advantage of the opportunity to gain new converts. In the end, their patience paid off as they were released by the magistrates, the next day. One interesting thing about this story is the way they stayed faithful to their cause in the middle of a crisis.
David found himself in a similar situation when he miraculously got the chance to kill Saul. His associate, Abishai said to him, “Today, God has delivered your enemy into your hands…” But David declined, preferring to spare Saul’s life. By doing so, he forfeited the freedom he would have had at that time. Later, God’s promise to him came to pass as he became a king without having Saul’s blood on his hands. Realize that not every solution is appropriate. An inappropriate solution might come as a counsel that appears to be sensible. The wrong solution might be a test or a temptation capable of getting you off track. Stay on track.
Prayer: Lord, help me keep my eyes on the big picture. Amen.
REFERENCES/FURTHER STUDY: Acts 16:25-36; 1 Samuel 26:1-10
Unless otherwise stated all scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.