Written By Benjamin Dankaka

Never lead with the mentality that the buck ends with you.
The Scriptures say that God struck down great kings and gave their land to his servant, Israel. Why would God take what belongs to a person and give it to another person? The Bible teaches that the reason why God expelled other nations and gave their kingdoms to the Israelites was because of their abominable ways. Because they served idols and defiled their lands through evil practices, God displaced them. As leaders, it is important for us to recognize that God is the “Boss of all bosses.” Never lead with the mentality that the buck ends with you.
You may be in charge of lives and properties; but always bear in mind that you are accountable to God. God is not only in charge of heaven, He is in control of the earth. No matter how powerful you are, try not to do anything that affects God’s authority. Solomon was wise, rich and powerful. But when he forsook God and followed other gods, God tore his kingdom and gave a large chunk to his subordinate, Jeroboam. When Jeroboam also abandoned God, God retrieved the throne from his family. Because God owns everything, every leader must honor Him.
Prayer: Dear Lord, be my Master. Amen.
REFERENCES/FURTHER STUDY: Psalm 136; Leviticus 18:24-25; Psalm 24:1; 1 Kings 14:7-10
Unless otherwise stated all scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.