Written By Benjamin Dankaka

Your life’s purpose is God’s original plan for you.
The first thing we learn from the Bible is that God is a Creator. That’s the dominant theme in the first two chapters of Genesis. But as God created the heavens and the earth, you would notice that everything He created was for a purpose. Light, which is the first thing that God created, was for the purpose of having times and seasons. Man, the last creation of God was also created for a purpose – to rule the earth. God didn’t create anything for nothing. Knowing why you were created is the most important discovery you would ever make.
Your life’s purpose is God’s ultimate plan for you. While He was on earth, Jesus focused on fulfilling His purpose. Like every other person, Jesus had several choices on how to live His life. He could have decided to be a carpenter like His earthly father; he could have accepted Satan’s offer by having control of the earthly kingdoms. But Jesus chose to do what God sent Him to do. Imagine what the world would have missed If Jesus had not fulfilled his assignment. Jesus was not the only with an assignment from God. You too have a divine assignment.
Prayer: Dear Lord, show me my divine assignment. Amen.
REFERENCES/FURTHER STUDY: Luke 4:18-19; 42; John 3:38
Unless otherwise stated all scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.