Written By Benjamin Dankaka

God will not ask you to do something that will not succeed.
Terah (Abraham’s father) had initially desired to stay in Canaan. The Bible didn’t tell us that he got that idea from God. Unlike his father, Abraham’s decision to move to Canaan was inspired by God. In other words, it was God’s will. While Terah appeared to have followed his own will, Abraham, seemingly, was a man who depended on God’s will. For that reason, one can say that Terah represents people who often think their future is in their hands whereas Abraham represents those who depend on God for direction in life.
Possibly, if God was the one who asked Terah to move to Canaan, Terah wouldn’t have stopped at Haran. If he had been instructed by God, Terah would have probably felt obliged to complete the journey even if he encountered challenges. Although Abraham faced obstacles along the way, unlike his father, he never gave up because he was aware of God’s presence. Because Abraham knew it was God’s plan, he stayed committed. If God is asking you to fulfill an assignment, know that He would see you through. God will not ask you to do something that will not succeed in the end. Fear not!
Prayer: Lord Jesus, I am willing to do your will. Amen.
Unless otherwise stated all scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.