Written By Benjamin Dankaka

You need knowledge in order to create anything.
One of the principles of success is creativity. Hardly is there any career leader who doesn’t depend on creativity. Creativity is not only required in the arts but in every business. Even if you are into retailing, you will need to be creative. Former richest man in America, Sam Walton, and founder of Wal-Mart Stores used a creative business formula that most retailers ignore. He bought a wide variety of products in bulk across his network of stores so he could pass savings on to his customers. As a result, people flocked to his stores.
Fortunately, everyone is creative. You might not be creative in your current work, but there’s definitely a place where you can be creative. You see, God created the heavens and the earth, and then He created man in His own image. Since God is a Creator, you are also a creator. But you need knowledge in order to create anything. The Bible tells us that God made the heavens and earth by His understanding. In other words, by His knowledge, He created the heavens and the earth. In the same way, for us to be able to create anything, we have to use our knowledge.
Prayer: Lord, teach me your ways.
Unless otherwise stated all scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.