Shepherd Daily Devotional

Children in Market Places

Written By Benjamin Dankaka

Know that whichever way you pursue your purpose; you will be criticized.

Once, Jesus compared the attitude of the people to a situation in the marketplace where a group of children grumbled because the people didn’t dance after they played a flute. And when they sang a funeral song, the people didn’t mourn. This analogy captures the way the Jews had responded to the ministry of John the Baptist and that of Jesus. When John came and preached in an unusual way, the Jews called him a “demon”. And when Jesus Himself came and preached the same gospel but in a familiar manner, the people also hurled insults at Him.

Know that whichever way you pursue your purpose; you will be criticized. Naturally, leaders are criticized because they are driven by a distinctive purpose. Their uniqueness is what makes them break traditions. When John the Baptist came, He had a unique message, accompanied by an extraordinary style. Unlike the Pharisees, he drank no wine, lived in the wilds and only ate locusts. Jesus on the other hand, interacted with people, even though He also preached. And in contrast to the Pharisees, he mingled with “sinners”. So He was also criticized. But despite the criticisms, John and Jesus succeeded. You too will succeed!

Prayer: Lord Jesus, give me the strength to face criticisms. Amen.


Unless otherwise stated all scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

Shepherd Daily Devotional

The things of God – 2

Written By Benjamin Dankaka

No pain, no gain.

When Jesus prophesied about His suffering and death, the disciples became so troubled that they missed the better part of that prophecy. Although Jesus had said He would rise after three days, Peter, in particular ignored that part and instead, focused on the rejection, and death. Possibly, what Peter had expected to hear was that Jesus would become an earthly king. He probably thought his Master would establish His kingdom and then appoint them as ministers. Peter couldn’t bear the thought of seeing his master in a tomb. What he wanted was for Jesus to gain the glory without pain.

Most of us are like Peter. We like to think of life as easy and blissful, all the time. We want ourselves and our loved ones to succeed without pain. For that reason, we prefer to hear positive prophesies on how God would give us a great job, a beautiful car and a big house, at no expense. Truly, God wants us to have a good life. But He never promised we would get all that we desire without hurdles. Jesus said, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.”

Prayer: Lord Jesus, give me the strength to carry my cross. Amen.


Unless otherwise stated all scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

Shepherd Daily Devotional

The things of God – 1

Written By Benjamin Dankaka

Do you have in mind the things of God?

One day, Jesus told His disciples that He would be rejected, killed and after three days rise again. This shocked the disciples. They probably wondered why Jesus who had done great things would suddenly go through humiliation and die. Jesus had not only healed the sick but had raised the dead. Now that they were convinced He was sent from God, Jesus was now telling them He would be rejected and murdered. Peter who was the boldest among them began to rebuke his Master. But Jesus quickly reprimanded him.

This story isn’t just talking about the suffering that Jesus had to go through. Most importantly, it also gives us an insight into the nature of God’s kingdom. As Jesus rebuked Peter, he said to him, “You do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.” It is important for us to realize that God often bring us glory through pain. God would not bring pain and suffering, but He often lets us go through it in order to transform us. His suffering and death was for a glorious purpose. You see, without the death, there wouldn’t have been the resurrection. Your suffering will produce success!

Prayer: Lord Jesus, turn my suffering to success. Amen.


Unless otherwise stated all scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

Shepherd Daily Devotional

The Value of Darkness

Written By Benjamin Dankaka

Darkness begets Light

Generally, light is one of the most widely accepted symbols and the leading force in every area of life. In religion, it is the principal force, often associated with God. In the secular world, light is seen as illumination. We like to think of light as the ultimate symbol of progress. Therefore, light represents leadership because the symbolism of light is used to show direction. We’ve been taught to believe that you cannot advance if you don’t have light. While light is a symbol of growth and power, darkness is seen as a representation of death and destruction.

By reason of that, we often embrace light and try to avoid anything associated with darkness. But in reality, darkness plays an important role in the making of light. Indeed, light is a positive force but we cannot have light until we’ve experienced some form of darkness. Before God created light, darkness was over the surface of the deep. Light, was therefore created out of the dark. Isn’t it amazing that we cannot see the break of dawn until we’ve passed through the darkness of the night? If life is hitting you with dark experiences; stay strong. You light will show up!

Prayer: Lord Jesus, give me the courage to pass through the dark. Amen.


Unless otherwise stated all scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

Shepherd Daily Devotional

God’s Mind – Part 2

Written By Benjamin Dankaka

Change your mind on that matter.

Although God has an unchangeable nature, He changes his mind. While He doesn’t change His image, word and promises, God changes His mind anytime He forgives. The Psalmist says, “The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy.” Because our God is compassionate and merciful, He forgives. And forgiveness doesn’t take place until there’s a shift in the mind of the forgiver. You see, when we offend God; He gets angry. But God’s anger doesn’t last forever. He replaces His anger with mercy, the moment we ask for forgiveness.

I have heard people say, “I won’t change my mind.” You hear that often whenever a person refuses to forgive. For such people, being tough means they have to be unchangeable and rigid. So they never change their minds and attitude towards their offenders. That kind of attitude is ungodly. In case, you still think God doesn’t change His mind; recall what transpired between Jesus and the Syrophoenician woman. The woman begged Jesus to drive a demon out of her daughter. Initially, Jesus didn’t want to do it. But when He saw the woman’s faith, He changed His mind. Change your mind on that matter!

Prayer: Lord Jesus, forgive me for my stubborn heart. Amen.

REFERENCES/FURTHER STUDY: Psalm 145:8; Mark 7:24-30

Unless otherwise stated all scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.