Shepherd Daily Devotional

The Best seller

Go back to the Word.

The Best Seller

After Israel was divided, the Kings misled their people. When Josiah became king of Judah, he sought God. Under his leadership, the Book of the Law was found, which had been missing.

When the Book was read to the king, he tore his clothes in fear because he discovered they had not been acting in accordance with what was in the Book (2Chronicles 34:14-15). It became clear that if the Book of the law had not been found, Josiah wouldn’t have known how to lead his people.

Today, many Christians have gone astray because they do not study God’s word. Perhaps, what you need to do in order to get out of your current troubles is to start reading God’s word.

Written by Ben Dankaka

Shepherd Daily Devotional

What Makes People Perish

What Makes People Perish

Many people perish, not because they lack education.

The Scriptures say, “My people perish for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6).  Notice it didn’t say, for lack of education. But for lack of knowledge.

In other words, God’s people were perishing because they didn’t know how-to live-in harmony with God’s laws. Anyone, whether rich or educated will perish if they do not know God’s word.

Some years back I felt as if I was perishing even though people thought I was successful. But deep inside of me, I knew something was missing. When I began to study God’s word, I discovered a new kind of knowledge that was so different from everything I was ever taught in school. Then I found peace and a clear purpose. God’s word is the best!

Written by Ben Dankaka

Shepherd Daily Devotional

Overcoming Fear

Overcoming Fear

Fear not, for I have redeemed you.

Sometimes, it is the not the crises in our lives that hurts us the most but the fear of it. I remember when my mum was very ill. At a point, my blood pressure rose.  But what made me hypertensive wasn’t caused by anything else other than the fear of losing my mother.

To overcome any crisis, fight your fears. Unfortunately, fear isn’t something you can eliminate with medication. You’ve got to get God’s word.

In Isaiah 43, God said, “Fear not, for I have redeemed you.” Then He said, “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you” You see, God may not always prevent crisis from hitting us. But when crisis comes, He rescues us.

Written by Ben Dankaka

Shepherd Daily Devotional

The Things of God – Part 2

The Things of God – Part 2

God wants us to enjoy all the nice things of life.

Although Jesus had told His disciples He would rise after three days, Peter ignored that part and instead, focused on the suffering and death (Mark 8:31-38).

Peter probably wondered how “pain” and “gain” could ever match up. Possibly, what he thought was that Jesus would have a smooth ride to the top. Peter acted like most of us usually do. We like to think of life as easy and blissful, all the time.

No doubt, God wants us to enjoy the nice things of life. He also wants us to succeed in whatever we lay our hands to do. But He never promised that we would get all that we desire without hurdles.

Written by Ben Dankaka

Shepherd Daily Devotional

The Things of God – Part 1

The Things of God – Part 1

Your pain will soon become your gain.

When Jesus told His disciples, He would suffer and “must be killed and after three days rise again”, they were deeply troubled.

Peter, in particular had rejected the prophecy. But Jesus said, “You do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns” (Mark 8:31-38).

Truly, Peter didn’t know how God does His things. If he was aware, he wouldn’t have been so troubled. Instead, he would have focused on the resurrection; which was part of the prophecy. Notice that Jesus didn’t only teach about His death; He talked about His triumph over death. You see, for every pain that life brings our way, God turns it into a gain.

Focus on the good side.

Written by Ben Dankaka