Written By Benjamin Dankaka

If that dream means so much to you, you will have to let go of some things.
Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.” Although, this parable is intended to make us recognize the worth of the kingdom of heaven, it also illustrates the kind of attitude that is required of anyone who wants to achieve anything worthwhile. The “merchant” GAVE UP EVERYTHING for the sake of heaven. In other words, the merchant let go every other endeavor that might stop him from achieving his ultimate goal of making heaven.
Until you commit yourself to a single cause, you will never become an outstanding leader. Think of all the great leaders that have impacted our world – They are single-minded. For instance, when people talk about Nelson Mandela, the one thing that goes through their minds is the man’s fight against apartheid even though he was a lawyer. What makes great leaders exceptional isn’t really their profession but what they do with their lives. I don’t know what you need to give up. But if that dream means so much to you, you will have to let go of some things. Be single-minded!
Prayer: Lord Jesus, give me the courage to stay focused. Amen.
REFERENCES/FURTHER STUDY: Luke 21:19; Matthew 14:44-46
Unless otherwise stated all scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.