Shepherd Daily Devotional


All scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

KEY VERSE: 2 Corinthians 10:3-4

Written By Ben Dankaka

Prayer works. But it doesn’t always work like a clock. While you can easily predict the hands of a clock, you can’t predict how or when a prayer will be answered. You can glance at a clock and immediately know the exact minutes it will take the hands of the clock to reach the next hour. But you can’t say a prayer and then predict the exact way it will be answered. I’m sure you’ve had incidences where God answered your prayers almost immediately. But then, there must have been times when the answers to your prayers were delayed.

After Peter was jailed by Herod, the Church prayed for him. The Bible didn’t mention how long it took God to answer their prayer. But we are told that on the night before Herod was to bring him to trial, an angel suddenly appeared and rescued him. The deliverance took place at an unexpected time and in an unpredictable way. God’s response was so remarkable that even Peter and those who were praying for him were surprised. The miracle happened at the eleventh hour! My prayer for you is that God will suddenly respond to your prayer in an unexpected way.

Prayer/Confession:  Heavenly Father, I know you will answer my prayer at Your own set time. Amen.


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Shepherd Daily Devotional

Ask For Help!

All scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

KEY VERSE: Psalm 107:6

Written By Ben Dankaka

Shortly after Herod had James, the brother of John killed; he proceeded and arrested Peter. Herod had decided to kill Peter because he figured it would make the Jews happy. This became a big problem to the Church because Peter was their leader. If he is also executed, then there would be a big vacuum. Since the Church knew they couldn’t physically confront King Herod because of his influence, they resorted to prayers. In other words, they decided to use the master key to overcoming crisis.

The scripture says, “The church was earnestly praying to God for him.” I don’t know the sort of crisis you are currently facing. You might be facing a problem that has already overwhelmed you. Or you might be at the brink of giving up. If you are at a point where you feel defeated and have lost the strength to fight back; then do what the disciples did by handing over the matter to God. Like the disciples, pray earnestly. Get down on your knees and ask God to do for you what you cannot do for yourself. And if you’ve lost the strength to pray, ask someone to pray for you. Ask for help!

Prayer/Confession:  Heavenly Father, do for me what I cannot do for myself. Amen.


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Shepherd Daily Devotional

Stay there!

All scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

KEY VERSE: Colossians 3:23-24

Written By Ben Dankaka

After winning the prayer contest against the prophets of Baal, Elijah inspired a revival. When the Israelites saw how God responded to Elijah’s sacrifice they immediately repented. Elijah had seized that moment and ordered the killing of the prophets of Baal. Moments later, just as Elijah had prophesied, Israel had a heavy rain, after over three years of drought. But before he could celebrate the victory, Elijah found himself, once again in the wilderness, when he received a death threat from Jezebel. While he was on exile, Elijah became depressed and even prayed that God would take his own life. But as he rested in a cave, God asked him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”

Possibly, God asked that question because Elijah wasn’t supposed to run away from his country, even though he was threatened by Jezebel. Maybe, you’ve found yourself in a similar situation. You’ve spent your energy on a cause. But instead of recognition, you’ve been rejected and misunderstood. You are now at a point where you are beginning to doubt and question your convictions. Unless if God tells you to quit, stay there. Oftentimes, God wants us to confront challenges and not to run from it.

Prayer/Confession:  I will not quit by the grace of God. Amen.

REFERENCES/FURTHER STUDY: 1 Kings 18:38-46; 19:1-9

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Shepherd Daily Devotional

Elijah’s Secret

All scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

KEY VERSE: 1 John 5:14 

Written By Ben Dankaka

One of the most powerful prayers in the Bible is the one said by Elijah as at the time of his prayer challenge with the prophets of Baal. The prophets had begun the challenge by praying to their god from morning to evening. They shouted and danced as they asked their god to bring fire on their sacrifice. But despite their loud appeals, nothing happened, even after slashing themselves with swords. When it got to Elijah’s turn, the atmosphere suddenly became calm. Possibly, his prayer didn’t take more than five minutes but the response was instant.

We can learn from the way Elijah said his prayer. His prayer was straight to the point. He didn’t try to embellish it with many words. Also, Elijah didn’t try to impress God by screaming and dancing. Instead, he confidently talked to God. Clearly, his confidence was inspired by the fact that his prayer was said according to God’s will. Recall that Elijah had asked God to answer his prayer so that it will be known that He is the God of Israel and that He was willing to turn the people’s hearts back to Him. That was God’s will. Today, pray according to God’s will.

Prayer/Confession:  Heavenly Father, reveal Your perfect will to your servant. Amen.


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Shepherd Daily Devotional

Bad Timing

All scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

KEY VERSE: Jeremiah 29:11

Written By Ben Dankaka

Oftentimes, we fail to realize that God prioritizes our prayer requests according to His perfect plan. And that is often determined by time. That is, He responds to our requests at the time we need them. Recall that in the book of Genesis, we are told that the earth had no shrub, “for the LORD God had not sent rain on the earth and there was no one to work the ground” (Genesis 2:5). In other words, because there was no man to till the earth, God didn’t send down rain at a certain time.

Timing is therefore important to God. For instance, you may pray for a car that may not be necessary at a particular time. However, the same car may be a priority at another time. When Solomon asked God for wisdom, God was pleased with his request because that was what he needed at that time. Perhaps, you are praying for the right thing at the wrong time. It could be that the only thing wrong with your prayer is bad timing. You may need all of the things in your prayer list. But God will give you what you need when the time is right.

Prayer/Confession:  Heavenly Father, Your timing is right. Amen.

REFERENCES/FURTHER STUDY: 1King 3:9; Genesis 2:5

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