Whatever you can overcome, God will let you handle it.

Written By Benjamin Dankaka
Miracles were a vital part of Jesus’ ministry. As He preached the gospel, He often performed miracles. When He left and the Holy Spirit came, His disciples continued His work of performing miracles as they preached the good news. Up until this moment, Christians have been experiencing miracles in their lives. When you read the gospels carefully, you will realize that most of the miracles Jesus performed were caused by an urgent need. For instance,the first miracle – turning of water into wine was done to solve an urgent problem. Also, Christ often performed miracles because of sympathy. Whenever Jesus became sympathetic, know that He was going to perform a miracle.
Equally, the miracles that God performed while He was taking the Israelites out of Egypt were often as a result of an urgent need. When they were unprepared to fight an army, God divided the red sea; when they were thirsty and there was no stream, God brought water out of rock; when they were hungry, and there was no food, He dropped manna from Heaven. But by the time they settled in the Promised Land, fewer miracles were experienced because the Israelites were able to take care of themselves. Know this; while we need miracles in our lives, it is important for us to know that God also expects us to take responsibility over certain areas of our lives. God often does miracles whenever He sees us in a difficult situation that is beyond our control or power. Whatever you can overcome, God will let you handle it because He created you to have control and He knows the power He has placed inside of you. If you don’t get that expected miracle, maybe it is God’s way of telling you to face that problem and conquer it by yourself.
Prayer: Lord, open my eyes, so I can see those things I can control. Amen.
REFERENCES/FURTHER STUDY: Luke 9:11; John 2:1-11
Unless otherwise stated all scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.