Shepherd Daily Devotional

The Wise King

All scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

KEY VERSE: Luke 22:42

Written By Ben Dankaka

God doesn’t always give us the things we lack. But He often gives us what we need. While you can survive without the things you lack, the things you need are usually essential. When God told Solomon to ask for whatever he wanted. Solomon said he was a little child who needed wisdom. And because he asked for what he needed; God answered his prayer. God was so pleased with Solomon’s request because he didn’t pray for long life, wealth or the death of his enemies (1 Kings 3:11). In other words, Solomon was more concerned with the gift that would help him fulfill God’s will.

If God isn’t answering your prayers, don’t think He isn’t there. Perhaps, you’ve left out what you need and have been praying for what God knows isn’t necessary at the moment. Maybe, the only thing wrong with your prayer is that it isn’t in line with God’s will. You may currently lack a job, a car or money to settle your debts. However, what you might need at the moment is to align yourself with God’s plan for you. Perhaps, God wants to get your attention so He can equip you for a great assignment.

Prayer/Confession:  Heavenly Father, give me what you would like me to have. Amen.

REFERENCES/FURTHER STUDY: 1 Kings 3:4-10; 2 Chronicles 1:11

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Shepherd Daily Devotional

The Master Key

All scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

KEY VERSE: Acts 13:22

Written By Ben Dankaka

Prayer is significant because it is one way through which we can build our relationship with God. I got to know more about God and discovered my purpose through prayers. While prayer has many benefits, it is also important to note that not every prayer is effective. You and I know that we’ve said certain prayers that God didn’t answer. There are many reasons why some of our prayers turn out to be ineffective. Let me deal with one of them. In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus tells us to begin our prayers by aligning God’s will with ours.

When we don’t pray according to God’s will for our lives, our prayers become fruitless. Several years ago, I asked God to bless my business plan. Instead, He showed me visions of a different plan. Because I wasn’t comfortable with God’s plan, I ignored it and continued to ask Him to bless my own plan. But nothing changed until I submitted to His own will. When you know what God wants you to do, you will likely pray according to His will. The scriptures say, “If we ask anything according to His will, He listens to and hears us” (1 John 5:14).

Prayer/Confession:  Heavenly Father, let your will for my life prevail over mine. Amen.


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Shepherd Daily Devotional

Good versus Right

All scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

KEY VERSE: Psalm 119:133 

When you have two options that are both good, but you have to determine which of them is right, you will have a hard time. While a good thing can be easily detected with our senses, knowing the right thing often requires us to make use of our spiritual antennae. Remember when David got the chance to kill Saul; his associate suggested they should kill Saul. That seemed like a good thing because Saul had been trying to kill David.But David realized that the right thing to do was not to lay a hand on Saul.

But there are times when the right thing may not even cross your mind or it may seem like the wrong decision and in the process, you may erroneously think that the good thing you are about to do is the only right decision. When Joseph discovered that the woman he was about to marry was found to be with child, he had in mind, not to disgrace Mary but to quietly divorce her. That seemed like a good decision, but when he got a revelation from God, he changed his mind and took the right decision. Today, seek God’s guidance as you work on your plans for the year.

Prayer/Confession:  Holy Spirit, let my steps be according to Heaven’s will. Amen.

REFERENCES/FURTHER STUDY: 1 Samuel 26:8; Matthew 1:18-20; Genesis 11:1-9

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Shepherd Daily Devotional

Goal Setting

All scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

KEY VERSE: Proverbs 14:12

Over the years, I have learned that setting goals do not guarantee good success. There are times you may set goals and then succeed in realizing them, but just as you are about to celebrate, you may suddenly discover the goals you achieved shouldn’t have been set in the first place. The scripture says, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end, it leads to death.” This message is repeated twice in the book of Proverbs. The importance of this message cannot be overemphasized.

Many people fail in life, not because they didn’t set goals but for the reason that they set the wrong goals. They spend their entire lives pursuing the wrong thing. They never realize they are on the wrong path until they get to the end of their lives. To avoid such mistakes, always involve God as you set your goals. The Bible says, “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purposes that prevails”. God has given us the right and the ability to make plans, but if we want those plans to be on the right path, we ought to seek His guidance.

Prayer/Confession:  Holy Spirit, guide me. Amen.


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Shepherd Daily Devotional

Fight till the End

All scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

KEY VERSE: 2 Corinthians 11:24-27

Apostle Paul said to Timothy, his protégé, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” Paul used the letter “I” three times in that statement. That means, he wasn’t referring to a group fight. But the personal struggles he had to go through in life. Clearly, Paul wasn’t the kind of Christian who ran away from his problems. Though he experienced a lot of travails, He fought really hard and eventually won every battle that the enemy brought his way. Isn’t it interesting that even though he was highly talented and anointed, life still hit him hard with challenges?

I don’t know what you are currently going through. Maybe you are battling with an illness. Or perhaps, the crisis in your life has to do with marital issues or a financial crisis. Whatever it is, realize that your personal battles won’t go away until you fight to a standstill. Be strong-minded as you keep fighting with everything you’ve got. You are meant to fight your own battles. So, you must not give up on yourself, even if others give up on you. Remember, battles are won by those who never give up. 

Prayer/Confession/:  Lord Jesus, strengthen me so I can finish the race. Amen.

REFERENCES/FURTHER STUDY: 2 Corinthians 11:16-33; 2 Timothy 4:7

Shepherd Daily Devotional

Overcome Fear

All scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

KEY VERSE: Psalm 34:4

The crises in our lives hurts. But sometimes, it is the not the crises that hurts us the most but the fear of it. I remember when my mum was ill and I had to take care of her, at a point, my health begun to fail as my blood pressure became so high. My doctor warned me that I was going to have a stroke if I didn’t relax. I discovered that what made me hypertensive overnight wasn’t caused by anything else other than the fear of losing my mother. So, I know exactly what fear can do to anyone in times of crisis.

In times of crises, the devil often uses “fear” as a weapon. To overcome any crisis, you must first of all, eliminate your fears. Unfortunately, fear isn’t something you can eliminate with a drug. To overcome fear, fill your mind with God’s word. In Isaiah 43, God said to His people, “Fear not, for I have redeemed you.” Then He said, “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you” One remarkable thing about God is that He may not always prevent crisis from hitting us. But whenever we are hit by crisis, He rescues us.

Prayer/Confession:  The Lord is my Redeemer. Therefore, I shall not be afraid. Amen.


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Shepherd Daily Devotional

The Things of God – Part 2

All scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

KEY VERSE: James 1:12

When Jesus began to teach about His suffering and death, His disciples were troubled. Peter in particular, was so disturbed to the extent that he missed the better part of that prophecy. Although Jesus had said He would rise after three days, Peter ignored that part and instead, focused on the suffering and death. Possibly, what Peter had expected to hear was that Jesus would be a king in Israel, establish His earthly kingdom and then appoint his disciples as Governors. In other words, Peter wanted Jesus to enjoy a smooth ride to the top.

Peter acted like most of us usually do. Most people like to think of life as easy and blissful, all the time. So, we expect ourselves and our loved ones to succeed without going through hard times. For that reason, we prefer to surround ourselves with people who would tell us nice things about our future. No doubt, God wants us to enjoy the nice things of life. He also wants us to succeed in whatever we lay our hands to do. But He never promised anyone a life without hurdles. To gain anything worthwhile in life, be prepared to go through some pain.

Prayer/Confession:  Father, strengthen me as I pass through the storms of life. Amen.


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Shepherd Daily Devotional

The Things of God – Part 1

All scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

KEY VERSE: Hebrews 12:11

When Jesus told His disciples that He would suffer many things and “must be killed and after three days rise again”, they probably wondered why He said that. Here was a leader who had performed miracles. He had been preaching about this great kingdom which they all thought will take them to a new level. Now He was telling them He would suffer many things and be killed. Peter had immediately rejected the prophecy. But Jesus said to him, “You do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.” In other words, Jesus made Peter realize that His imminent suffering and death was part of God’s plan.

Christ’s prophecy about Himself isn’t just about the suffering He had to experience. Most importantly, it also gives us a deep insight into how God operates. It is important for us to realize that God often takes advantage of the troubles that Satan throws our way. For every pain that life brings your way, God turns it into a gain. So, Peter shouldn’t have bothered about Christ’s death. Rather, he should have focused on His resurrection. Today, focus on how your life will be when the storm is over.

Prayer/Confession:  Father, I know you will turn my pain into gain. Amen.


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Shepherd Daily Devotional

Victory Without Injuries

All scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

KEY VERSE: 2 Chronicles 14:11-12

One day as Jesus entered the synagogue, he was suddenly confronted by a demon possessed man. As soon as the demon inside the man recognized Jesus, it cried out. To shut the demon, Jesus commanded it to come out of the man. As is always the case, the demon complied but in the process of leaving, it drew the man on the floor. Interestingly, even though the evil spirit flung the man, it came out without injuring him. That is, the violent fall didn’t cause any injury on the man’s body. It was a case of victory without injuries.

Life can overwhelm us with tough challenges. While we can overcome certain challenges with our willpower, such victories don’t often come without “bruises”. Instead of using your own intelligence to address certain problems, sometimes, it is wiser to seek Heaven’s help. Imagine what would have happened if the man with the evil spirit had tried to discharge the demon with his willpower. For sure, the demon wouldn’t have surrendered without a vicious fight. But thank God, when Jesus came, the man was delivered without a scratch. To win your battles without injuries, ask God to help you.

Prayer/Confession:  Lord Jesus, my eyes are on you. Fix me. Amen.


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Shepherd Daily Devotional

Trouble in His Presence

All scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

Key Verse: Psalm 43:2

Before Jesus began his ministry, His disciples were mostly skilled workers, hoping to spend their lives pursing their own dreams. Then Jesus showed up and asked them to follow Him. Since they were fascinated by the great Rabbi, they trusted Him. But one day, Jesus said to them, “Let’s go to the other side of the lake”. Without knowing why, they got into a boat. Then a life-threatening storm came. The disciples were frightened and surprised at the same time. Here was a great storm, bad enough to take their lives. But Jesus lay quietly on the boat, sleeping!

Many of us have found ourselves in similar situations. Perhaps at one time, you were doing something you thought was important to you. Then came Jesus. But after following Him, you’ve now found yourself in what seems like a life-threatening storm. Like the disciples, you are now surprised that while you are being confronted by challenges, it seems as if He is sleeping. I’ve learned that God uses crises to build our faith. Recall that when Jesus rebuked the storm, He said to His disciples, “Where is your faith?”

Don’t be frightened by the storms in your life. God is with you.

Prayer/Confession:  Father, my trust is in you. Amen.

REFERENCES/FURTHER STUDY: Mark 4:38-39; Psalm 40

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