Shepherd Daily Devotional

The Wise King

All scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

KEY VERSE: Luke 22:42

Written By Ben Dankaka

God doesn’t always give us the things we lack. But He often gives us what we need. While you can survive without the things you lack, the things you need are usually essential. When God told Solomon to ask for whatever he wanted. Solomon said he was a little child who needed wisdom. And because he asked for what he needed; God answered his prayer. God was so pleased with Solomon’s request because he didn’t pray for long life, wealth or the death of his enemies (1 Kings 3:11). In other words, Solomon was more concerned with the gift that would help him fulfill God’s will.

If God isn’t answering your prayers, don’t think He isn’t there. Perhaps, you’ve left out what you need and have been praying for what God knows isn’t necessary at the moment. Maybe, the only thing wrong with your prayer is that it isn’t in line with God’s will. You may currently lack a job, a car or money to settle your debts. However, what you might need at the moment is to align yourself with God’s plan for you. Perhaps, God wants to get your attention so He can equip you for a great assignment.

Prayer/Confession:  Heavenly Father, give me what you would like me to have. Amen.

REFERENCES/FURTHER STUDY: 1 Kings 3:4-10; 2 Chronicles 1:11

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