Shepherd Daily Devotional

Acknowledge the Source of Your Power

By Ben Dankaka

Shepherd Daily Devotional – Feb 2022 – The Power to Succeed

In his farewell speech, Moses instructed his people to recognize God as the One who gives the power to produce wealth. Why was that important? You see, whenever we do not acknowledge God as the source of our wealth, we automatically claim His glory. One of the blunders of our generation is self-aggrandizement. Go to social media and you will see a myriad of success stories aimed at glorifying individuals at the expense of the Creator. I am not saying we shouldn’t celebrate ourselves. But when we describe ourselves as “idols” or “self-made”, we put God at the rear seat.

God is deeply interested in our success. For that reason, He expects us to put our faith in Him. The purpose is to humble us so that He can guide us along the right path. Recall that Moses had reminded the Israelites of the time God gave them manna to eat in the desert, to humble and to test them so that in the end it might go well with them (Deuteronomy 8:16). When we acknowledge God as our source, we will not only avoid the sin of self-glory, but would find ourselves progressing from one success to another.

Prayer/Confession: Heavenly Father, I acknowledge you as the primary source of all that I have. Thank you, Lord.

REFERENCES/FURTHER STUDY: Deuteronomy 8:10-20; Proverbs 3:16; 1 Chronicles 29:12

All scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

Shepherd Daily Devotional

The Sweetest Revenge

Download the complete Shepherd Daily Devotional – Jan 2022

All scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

KEY VERSE: 1Samuel 24:12

Written By Ben Dankaka

There’s a saying that “revenge is a dish best served cold”. This statement implies that revenge is more fulfilling when it’s carried out at an unexpected time. I strongly disagree because this statement opposes what the Bible teaches. To take revenge against your enemy is wrong, and the Bible condemns it.  In his letter to the Romans, Paul warns us “not to take revenge”, but “leave room for God’s wrath” (Romans 12:19). That is, we are expected to leave vengeance for God because whoever troubles us is actually fighting God, not us. Allow God to deal with the enemy.

Recall what happened in the case between Peter and Herod. When Herod tried to kill Peter, God stepped in and rescued Peter by Himself because Herod was actually fighting God, not Peter. So, Peter acted rightly by not fighting back. He simply moved on. By that act, he left room for God’s wrath. Later, on a particular day, Herod was struck down with a blow by an angel. You might have been badly hurt by someone in the past. However, if God has already liberated you, move on and leave room for God’s wrath. God’s retribution is sweeter.

Prayer:  Holy Father, I hand it over to you. Be the Judge. Amen.


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Shepherd Daily Devotional

Move on!

Download the complete Shepherd Daily Devotional – Jan 2022

All scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

KEY VERSE: Proverbs 4:25

Written By Ben Dankaka

When Peter told the brethren how the Lord had saved him from death, He said to them, “Tell James and the brothers about this,” and then he left for another place. The scriptures didn’t tell us where he headed to, but we know that Peter moved to another place. In other words, Peter didn’t hold on to his past. He moved on. Clearly, the main thing on Peter’s mind was how to further his work of spreading the gospel. So, he quickly moved out of the city, leaving his past behind.

One reason why many people fail to overcome the crises in their lives is because they often go through life feeling frustrated, even after they’ve been liberated. They fail to leave the past. Instead, they remain bitter after the adversity is long gone. To fully recover from a crisis, you would have to do what Peter did. Move on immediately! You can’t change the past, but you can work toward a better future. So, commit to focusing on what you can change, rather than what has already happened. Peter knew that the only thing he could control was his future. For that reason, he moved on.

Prayer:  Holy Spirit, guide me as I move on from the past. Amen.


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Shepherd Daily Devotional


Download the complete Shepherd Daily Devotional – Jan 2022

All scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

KEY VERSE: Psalm 105:1-3

Written By Ben Dankaka

On the night that Peter was rescued by an angel, he went to the Mary’s house, where the people had gathered to pray for him. Notice that immediately after the angel left him, Peter thought of the people who had been concerned about his situation.  Most likely, he knew they had been praying for him. And since he had been miraculously rescued, He went to them because he wanted to share the good news with them. Peter didn’t think of rushing home to celebrate alone. Instead, the first thing on his mind was to share his testimony with those who stood by him.

After Peter described how God brought him out of prison, he then instructed them to share his testimony (Acts 12:25). Too often, we fail to share our testimony after we’ve been rescued from a crisis. When we are facing challenges, we run to people for help. But when God eventually answers our prayers, we forget to return to those who stood by us. What we fail to realize is that testimonies are important because they serve as proofs to God’s faithfulness. You may never know who’s going to be inspired by your testimony. Share that testimony!

Prayer/Confession:  I will testify of the goodness of the Lord. Amen.


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Shepherd Daily Devotional

Just Follow

Download the complete Shepherd Daily Devotional – Jan 2022

All scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.

KEY VERSE: Psalm 23:1-4

Written By Ben Dankaka

On the night that Peter that was rescued by the angel of the Lord, he was heavily guarded by armed men. Ordinarily, there was no way Peter could have escaped by his own effort. So, he simply slept. Peter probably realized there was no need worrying over something that was beyond his control. Possibly, as at that moment, Peter wasn’t thinking of freedom. It could be, he had resolved to make the best use of that moment by having a good sleep. So, when the angel suddenly struck Peter on the side, Peter was dazed. He thought it was a vision.

Peter followed the angel out of the prison, even though “he had no idea that what the angel was doing was really happening.” It was after he had regained his freedom that he realized that it was God who rescued him. As you hold on to God, you are going to get out of your troubles in the same way that Peter did. You may be feeling discouraged because you’ve exhausted all your strategies. Now that you are drained, God will come to your rescue. When that time comes, act like Peter; follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer/Confession:  Holy Spirit, I am willing to follow your lead. Amen.


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