God prioritizes our prayer requests according to our needs.

Written By Benjamin Dankaka
Oftentimes, we fail to realize that God doesn’t give us things because we lack them. He gives us things because we need them. You can live without the things you lack. But the things you need are those things that are necessary. Getting those things you need, can be more important than having the things you lack. For instance, you may pray for a car that may not be necessary at a particular time. At that time, the car may simply be a lack and not a need. Later, the same car could become a need in your life. God prioritizes our prayer requests according to our needs.
When Solomon asked God for wisdom, He said, “So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong.” Because Solomon asked for what he needed, God was pleased. Perhaps, you are praying for the right thing at the wrong time. You might have left out what you need and have been praying for the things that God knows are mere shortages. Maybe, God wants you to ask for something else. It could be that the only thing wrong with your prayer is bad timing.
Prayer: Lord, let your will be done. Amen.
REFERENCES/FURTHER STUDY: Psalm 72:1; 1King 3:9; Luke 22:42
Unless otherwise stated all scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.