Written By Ben Dankaka

Meditation – 2 Timothy 2:1
No doubt, the apostle Paul is one of the greatest leaders in the Bible. Paul was not only a leader who did remarkable things, but also, he was a leader’s leader. No reader of the New Testament can ignore Paul’s obvious effort in developing leaders. Paul was not only an individual who was able to lead effectively in his own capacity as leader; he was also a leader who succeeded in transforming his followers into effective leaders like himself. You will agree that a large portion of the book of Acts captures the leadership journey of Paul as he moved from place to place, planting Churches and then leaving them in the hands of his mentees. So while the Acts of Apostles captures Paul’s church planting expedition, the epistles contain most of his leadership tips to his mentees. Each of Paul’s letters contains scriptural expositions and leadership ideas on ways his protégés could lead.
In his second letter to Timothy, Paul said to him, “You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.” What was Paul trying to say? Obviously, that was a statement aimed at encouraging Timothy. As his mentor, Paul was giving Timothy instructions on how to effectively lead the Church under his care. Timothy was a young Pastor who needed guidance. And Paul was aware that Timothy was saddled with a lot of responsibilities. He was expected to be an exemplary leader, to teach rightly, manage people and do a whole lot of other things that would ensure the growth of his Church. Paul knew that there was no way Timothy could succeed without the “grace” of God. So he advised Timothy to depend on the strength that can only be found in Christ. Today, I challenge you to depend on Jesus!
Prayer: Lord Jesus, I need your grace. Amen.
Unless otherwise stated all scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.