Written By Ben Dankaka

Meditation – Genesis 1:2
Generally, we like to associate ourselves with light. Light is one of the most universal and widely accepted symbols. It is often considered as the leading force in every area of life. Light is the principal force in the spiritual world. In religion, those who get revelations as a result of their understanding of God’s word are seen as the light of the world. In the secular world, light is seen as illumination and intelligence. We like to think of light as the source of goodness and the ultimate symbol of progress. Therefore, light represents leadership because the symbolism of light is used to show direction. We’ve been taught to believe that you cannot advance if you don’t have light. So those who represent light in our lives are seen as leaders. We follow them because they radiate our environment with their light. In other words, they make us see.
While light is considered a symbol of joy, immortality, higher power and of life-giving power, darkness is seen as a representation of death and destruction, in almost every religion. By reason of that, we often embrace light and then try as much as possible to avoid anything associated with darkness. But in reality, darkness plays an important role in the making of light. Indeed, light is a positive force but one cannot have light in any area of life without going through darkness. This means that darkness begets light. Before God created light, darkness was over the surface of the deep. Light, was therefore created out of the dark. Isn’t it amazing that we cannot see the break of dawn until we’ve passed through the darkness of the night? My friend, if life is hitting you with dark experiences; stay strong. You light will show up at the right time.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, give me the courage to pass through the dark. Amen.
Unless otherwise stated all scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.