
Shepherd Daily Devotional – Calming the Storm

Written By Ben Dankaka

Meditation – Mark 4:38-39

Before Jesus began his ministry; His disciples were mostly skilled workers, hoping to spend their entire lives pursing their own dreams. Peter and Andrew were at the Sea of Galilee, fishing. James and John were with their father, running the family’s fishing business. Some of them had families they were devoted to. They had planned their lives, believing that they were on the right track. All of a sudden, Jesus showed up and asked them to give up their work so they could do what God preordained them to do. At first, they were fascinated with the idea of becoming important citizens of God’s Kingdom. These were ordinary men who didn’t think much of themselves. After witnessing His miracles, the disciples got excited and fully committed their lives to following Jesus, hoping to have a better life.

One day, Jesus said to them, “Let’s go to the other side of the lake”. Without questioning Him, they got into the boat and set out. As they began their journey, He fell asleep. Then a life-threatening storm came. The disciples were frightened and surprised at the same time. Here was a great storm, bad enough to take their lives. But Jesus lay quietly on the boat, sleeping! Couldn’t He hear the sound of the storm? In fear, they woke Him up.

Many of us have found ourselves in a similar situation. May be, at one time, you were doing something you thought was important to you. You loved doing it because you felt it was in line with your talents. Then Jesus came into your life and gave you a new insight. He showed you a different plan. To prove Himself, He did some miraculous things in your life. You believed, and decided to follow Him. But now you have found yourself in what seems like a life-threatening storm, capable of tearing your life apart.

Perhaps, you are that person who was told that if you give your life to Jesus, He would take away your problems. Instead of the promises, you have now found yourself in what seems like hell. Maybe, like the disciples, you are now surprised that while you are being confronted by storms, it seems as if God is sleeping. You know He is able, yet you have been disabled my challenges, right in His presence. I want you to know I have been through similar situations. From my personal experiences, I have learned that God allows storms in our lives so He can test and strengthen our faith. When Jesus rebuked the storm, He said to His disciples, “Where is your faith?” My dear friend, please don’t let the storm in your life, stop you from believing in what God told you. 

Prayer: Lord, strengthen me. Amen


Unless otherwise stated all scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.