
Shepherd Daily Devotional – God’s Training Camp

Written Ben Dankaka

Meditation – Psalm 105:17

Joseph was a young man whom God had preordained to be a great leader.  But he was a small Jewish boy who didn’t have the right qualifications. He only knew how to take care of sheep and run errands for his father. Joseph didn’t even have the toughness of a leader because his father pampered him. To prepare him for the opportunity ahead, God had to let him go through some challenges. At first, Joseph didn’t understand what was happening in his life. His brothers sold him into slavery, then his master’s wife framed him and he was sent to jail. But while he was in prison, a situation arose which led to him, fulfilling what God had originally planned for him. When he reunited with his brothers, he didn’t curse them. Instead, he said “God sent me before you…” At that time, Joseph had realized he had been a student in God’s training camp, all along.

To be qualified for any work, you need to be trained. You can’t go to war without knowing how to fight. If you are intending to be a soldier, you must go to a military school. In fact, there’s no profession that doesn’t require training. Training is important because it is the only way we can be prepared for our future. This is the reason why we are all encouraged to go to school. School is a training camp. Just as we go to school in order to prepare ourselves for the opportunity ahead of us, God also enrolls us in His training program. But unlike our school’s training program, God’s training usually take place without our permission and most times, without our knowledge.

When God enrolls us in his own training camp, we don’t have to pay any money as we often do in our school’s training program. The price we pay for God’s training program is patience and faith. Unlike your school’s training, in God’s training camp, you may not understand what He is teaching you until He finishes the training. While your school’s training program may focus on building your professional skills, God’s program is often about building your character.

Just as you will often be tested in your school’s training, God will allow life to test you with trials and tribulations. Just as your school’s test is designed to improve your skills, in God’s training camp, the test is aimed at improving your character. It is after you have proven to your school that you can pass every test that you would be deem fit for graduation. In a similar way, God will make sure you are strong enough to pass and withstand every test before He will promote you and give you all that He wants you to have.

Prayer: Lord, give me the grace to pass the test. Amen.

REFERENCES/FURTHER STUDY: Psalm 105:17; Genesis 45:7

Unless otherwise stated all scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.


Shepherd Daily Devotional – How to Create

Written By Ben Dankaka

Meditation – Psalm 136:5

One of the principles of success in every line of work is creativity. Hardly is there any career leader who doesn’t depend on this principle. You can’t get to the top of your field if you are not creative. Creativity is important in every field because that is what makes the people at the top stand out. Without creativity, you will be unable to stay ahead of others. Think of all the career leaders you know. They are all recognized for doing something exceptional. In the IT industry for instance, it takes creativity to lead because you have to able to create something that is fresh and innovative.

Creativity is not only required in technology or in industries like entertainment, fashion, eatery and artistry, it is needed in every business. Even if you are into retailing, you will need to be creative. Former richest man in the world, Sam Walton, and founder of Wal-Mart Stores used a creative business formula that most retailers ignore. He bought a wide variety of products in bulk across his network of stores so he could pass savings on to his customers. As a result, people flocked to his stores. In the manufacturing industry, it is common knowledge that creativity is what makes a product different from others. Today, the world still celebrates the likes of Leonardo Da Vinci, William Shakespeare, Albert Einstein, Henry Ford and Thomas Edison for their creative works.

I am often amazed when I hear people say, they are not creative. There’s no one on earth who isn’t creative. You might not be creative in your current work, but there’s definitely a place where you can be creative. That place is usually in your area of gifting. The Bible tells us that God created the heavens and the earth, and then He created man in His own image. Since God is creative, we also are creative. Don’t think creativity is the exclusive right of a select few. Every human is creative. If you are engaged in a work that you think has to do with your calling, and yet you are finding it difficult to be creative, perhaps you are not putting enough effort.

Creativity is not a gift that suddenly falls on you from heaven. It doesn’t work like magic. It takes effort to create something. The Bible tells us that God made the heavens and earth by His understanding. That is, by his knowledge, He created the heavens and the earth. So He didn’t just create the heavens and the earth without an effort. To create man out of the dust of the earth, God had to use His understanding. In the same way, for us to be able to create anything, we have to use our knowledge or understanding. To be creative in your field of endeavor, get understanding!

Prayer: Lord, teach me your ways.


Unless otherwise stated all scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.


Shepherd Daily Devotional – How Miracles Work

Written By Ben Dankaka

Meditation – Luke 9:11

Miracles were a vital part of Jesus’ ministry. As He preached the gospel, He every so often performed miracles. When He left and the Holy Spirit came, His disciples continued His work of performing miracles as they preached the good news. Up until this moment, Christians have been experiencing miracles in their lives. Unfortunately, in today’s Christianity, the desire for miracles has gotten to a point where many Christians only know God as a miracle worker.

For that reason, we expect extraordinary events every day in our lives. And when things don’t turn out well, as they sometimes do, we think our God has abandoned us or feel our Church or Pastor isn’t good enough. Because of our desire for miracles, we now expect God to do everything for us, including those things we can do for ourselves. In our quest for miracles, we transfer our responsibilities to God and then, become irresponsible in the process. While we need miracles in our lives, it is important for us to know that God doesn’t always manifests His glory through miracles. Miracles happened, only when it is required.

When you read the gospels carefully, you will realize that most of the miracles Jesus performed were caused by an urgent need. For instance,the first miracle – turning of water into wine was done to solve an urgent problem. Also, Christ often performed miracles because of sympathy. Whenever Jesus became sympathetic, know that He was going to perform a miracle. Equally, the miracles that God performed while He was taking the people of Israel out of Egypt often were as a result of an urgent need. When they were unprepared to fight an army, God divided the red sea; when they were thirsty and there was no stream, God brought water out of rock; when they were hungry, and there was no food, He dropped manna from Heaven.

But by the time they settled in the Promised Land, fewer miracles were experienced because the people were able to take care of themselves. Know this; God often does miracles whenever He sees us in a difficult situation that is beyond our control or power. Whatever you can overcome, God will let you handle it because He created you to have control and He knows the power He has placed inside of you. So when you don’t get that expected miracle, it is God’s way of telling you to face that problem and conquer it by yourself.

Prayer: Lord, open my eyes, so I can see those things I can control. Amen.

REFERENCES/FURTHER STUDY: Luke 9:11; John 2:1-11

Unless otherwise stated all scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.


Shepherd Daily Devotional – The Wise King

Written By Ben Dankaka

Meditation – Psalm 72:1

Each time, we go to God, we often pray for things we do not have. If we don’t have a house, we ask for one. If we don’t have a car, we ask for it. If we don’t have a job, we ask for a job. What we fail to realize is that God doesn’t give us things because we lack them. He gives us things because we need them. There’s a huge difference between the two. There are times, you can live without the things you lack or don’t have. But the things you need are often those things that are very important to you. So getting those things you need, can be more important than having the things you lack.

For instance, you may pray for a car that may not be necessary at a particular time. At that time, the car may simply be a lack and not a need. Later, the same car could become a need in your life, due to circumstances. So God can prioritize our prayer requests according to our needs. The prayer of Solomon is a good example. When God said to Solomon, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.” In his reply, Solomon reminded God of his needs. He told God that he was a little child who didn’t know how to carry out his duties. He then said, “So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong.” God was pleased that Solomon had asked for wisdom, and not for long life or wealth. Because Solomon asked for what he urgently needed, God said, “I will do what you have asked.”

If God isn’t answering your prayers, don’t jump to conclusions, assuming it has to do with a sin or a family curse. You may be praying for the right thing at the wrong time. Perhaps, you are praying for what you shouldn’t be praying for at the moment. You might have left out what you need and have filled your prayer lists with those things that God knows are merely shortages and not needs. Maybe, God wants you to ask for something else. It could be that the only thing wrong with your prayer is bad timing.

However, if you are unsure and anxious about your prayer requests, you can always conclude your prayers with the words, “Let your will be done.” I learned this principle from Jesus when He prayed at the Mount of Olives, shortly before He was arrested. As long as you pray according to God’s will, be assured that God will certainly answer your prayer. God’s reply may not come at a time you expect. His reply may not even be what you were expecting, but be assured that God knows what’s best for you and He will surely come through, at the right time and in His own way.

Prayer: Lord, let your will be done. Amen.

REFERENCES/FURTHER STUDY: Psalm 72:1; 1King 3:9; Luke 22:42

Unless otherwise stated all scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.


Shepherd Daily Devotional – Calming the Storm

Written By Ben Dankaka

Meditation – Mark 4:38-39

Before Jesus began his ministry; His disciples were mostly skilled workers, hoping to spend their entire lives pursing their own dreams. Peter and Andrew were at the Sea of Galilee, fishing. James and John were with their father, running the family’s fishing business. Some of them had families they were devoted to. They had planned their lives, believing that they were on the right track. All of a sudden, Jesus showed up and asked them to give up their work so they could do what God preordained them to do. At first, they were fascinated with the idea of becoming important citizens of God’s Kingdom. These were ordinary men who didn’t think much of themselves. After witnessing His miracles, the disciples got excited and fully committed their lives to following Jesus, hoping to have a better life.

One day, Jesus said to them, “Let’s go to the other side of the lake”. Without questioning Him, they got into the boat and set out. As they began their journey, He fell asleep. Then a life-threatening storm came. The disciples were frightened and surprised at the same time. Here was a great storm, bad enough to take their lives. But Jesus lay quietly on the boat, sleeping! Couldn’t He hear the sound of the storm? In fear, they woke Him up.

Many of us have found ourselves in a similar situation. May be, at one time, you were doing something you thought was important to you. You loved doing it because you felt it was in line with your talents. Then Jesus came into your life and gave you a new insight. He showed you a different plan. To prove Himself, He did some miraculous things in your life. You believed, and decided to follow Him. But now you have found yourself in what seems like a life-threatening storm, capable of tearing your life apart.

Perhaps, you are that person who was told that if you give your life to Jesus, He would take away your problems. Instead of the promises, you have now found yourself in what seems like hell. Maybe, like the disciples, you are now surprised that while you are being confronted by storms, it seems as if God is sleeping. You know He is able, yet you have been disabled my challenges, right in His presence. I want you to know I have been through similar situations. From my personal experiences, I have learned that God allows storms in our lives so He can test and strengthen our faith. When Jesus rebuked the storm, He said to His disciples, “Where is your faith?” My dear friend, please don’t let the storm in your life, stop you from believing in what God told you. 

Prayer: Lord, strengthen me. Amen


Unless otherwise stated all scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version.